
Amygdala - the Emotional Center of the Brain

Is Consumer Neuroscience Market-Ready or Neuro-Nonsense?

Writing in the January, 2016 edition of Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, Carl Marci of Nielsen characterized today’s consumer neuroscience as “market-ready measures with well-validated algorithms.” Writing in July 29, 2013 issue of Slate, Daniel Engber, labeled the field as neuro-nonsense and asserted that the age “mindless brain research” was over. We think the truth is better thought of thought of as being between the two views. Neuroscience has opened the door to a new way of understanding human information processing that is important for marketers. However, it has a long way to go before its value will be fully known. At the same time, the process is not helped by optimistic marketing claims about business value, which have often come up short. While they don’t lessen the promise, they diminish the standing of the practitioner field.

To help evolve the conversation and improve understanding, we have created a place on LinkedIn where researchers interested in applied neuroscience and especially in fEMG can connect, talk and share ideas. Our hope is that as more people participate, more data will become subject to more thorough analysis, and better theories of how advertising should work will emerge.

Please join us on this journey at

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