
Positioning Research for a Specialty Retail Chain

Successful advertisers have one thing in common: their messaging distinguishes their brand in the minds of their target audience. It establishes who they are and what they stand for. It differentiates the brand from its competitors in a way that rings true with loyal brand users and provides distinctive appeals to non-users.

Strategic research is a valuable tool for developing this kind of successful advertising. It provides companies with insight into the triggers behind consumer brand selection – the core values and beliefs that people hold when deciding between marketplace alternatives. Well-designed strategic research unveils positioning opportunities for the brand. It identifies what is important to the buyers of your brand and the buyers of your competitor’s brands as well as how successfully each brand delivers on these expectations. Insights developed from this research reveal positioning opportunities for the brand to drive successful creative that resonates with your user base and attacks competitive vulnerabilities.

G&R was recently enlisted to evaluate the position that a leading company occupies in the crowded retail space and investigate the effectiveness of the company’s communications. Using a stimulus-aided questionnaire and advanced analytics and data displays, the research identified the company’s position relative to its key competitors, spotlighted a positioning opportunity for the brand that capitalizes on brand strengths important to both brand shoppers and competitive shoppers where the competition underperforms expectations. Armed with this insight our client can now exploit competitive weaknesses with a positioning built on brand strengths that both customers and competitive shoppers value.

If you would like to know our positioning capabilities, please contact us.

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