


Finding Synergy in Cacophony

Today’s media marketplace is more expansive and more fragmented than at any time in history. This fundamentally changes the way consumers interact with brands as well as the opportunities available for marketers. Marketers now have more media available and within those media, more opportunities to reach target markets efficiently. But at the same time, consumers receive a greater variety of brand messages through a greater number of channels. Which combination of media messaging consumers receive varies greatly, affecting how they perceive the brand and relate with it. Most available copy testing options do not simultaneously provide marketers the flexibility to assess messages developed for a variety of media and determine how the mix of messages received affects brand perception as it occurs in the real world. Until now.

That’s where G&R’s WebSpectrum methodology comes it. WebSpectrum enables marketers to simultaneously test messaging developed for various media. Respondents are exposed to the messaging as it is expected to appear on TV or Internet or Magazine, etc., depending on the media that are expected to be part of the campaign’s mix. The result is insight into how customers receive and react to messages, not just in one channel, but across the various channels to which they may be exposed. It provides learning, for example, about whether the television messaging is strong but the print messaging is weak. Respondents are filtered so that their responses are based only on those media/message alternatives they would typically receive.

WebSpectrum clients have the capability to parse respondents by their media mix selections to more fully diagnose what messaging mix is most effective and which messaging is failing to support the brand, leading both to better decisions about how to ensure that the media mix delivers messaging strategy optimally as well as being able to identify weak performers in the messaging arsenal.

Key Benefits and Features:

  • WebSpectrum enables advertisers to gauge audience reaction to individual campaign executions in the context of other components of the campaign and to the campaign as a whole
  • Innovative research design enables media spending decisions to best leverage the most effective messaging delivery
  • A variety of stimulus materials are evaluated simultaneously, enabling weak or inconsistent messages to be singled out for enhancement
  • WebSpectrum is based on G&R’s proven construct of ad effectiveness and includes measures of breakthrough, communication, persuasion, ad reaction, engagement and transportation
  • It uses G&R’s proprietary stimulus presentation software, WebScape, to safeguard your stimuli and ensure that it is presented to the respondent as expected
  • It is available in both full-service and Research-In-A-Box (RIAB) pricing models